
  • Journaling

    How to Grow Closer to God Through Journaling

    God hears all of our prayers, it’s why the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes, sometimes even without words on our behalf. Think about David. The whole book of Psalms is basically one man’s prayer journal.” Growing closer to God through journaling can be a wonderful adventure. It will nurture a deeper relationship, give you insight into God’s character, and teach you how to truly bring your burdens to Him. But getting started can be difficult if you’ve never tried creating a spiritual journal. Here are a few tips to help you along the way… Start by Choosing a Time Many people enjoy spending time with Jesus first…

  • Journaling

    How Journaling Can Change Your Life

    Whether you’re dealing with anxiety and depression, or simply going through a rough patch in life, journaling can serve as a free and entirely self-managed form of therapy that’s actually quite effective. In fact, keeping a journal can be beneficial even when you’ve managed to reach and sustain a state of emotional balance and mental peace. Following are several, significant ways in which journaling can change your life. Evoke A Sense of Mindfulness Far too often, people move from day to day without ever stopping to smell the proverbial roses. Not only are they failing to feel and express gratitude for the many wonderful things that that are happening in…