This is where you will love me or hate me. I don’t care which and I make no apologies for the information shared here. However, I highly recommend that you do your own research and I have links below to real doctors whom I get my information from.
First off – you cannot exercise yourself into good health or a thin, fit body. That starts from within and is done with proper nutrition. A poor diet will never give you the body you want.
You need absolutely no carbs and no sugar. There are essential amino acids (protein) and essential fatty acids (fats). There are ZERO essential carbohydrates.
The only two eating plans I can recommend are the carnivore diet (which is the one I do) and the *real* ketogenic diet. Please be advised that all of those keto snacks are still processed junk, low carb as they may be, they are still processed garbage and not real food.
If you think you have to eat the vegetables, then just eat the green ones. You don’t need colored foods and the ones with a color other than green (and maybe white) are high carb. Please ditch the potatoes, corn, beans (except green beans) peas, breads, pasta, chips, crackers, popcorn, etc. They are not good for your body and they do not promote weight loss.
The best doctor to follow is Dr. Ken Berry. He posts links to all of his research in his video descriptions so you can go read it for yourself.
My next two favorites are Dr. Sten Ekberg and Dr. Anthony Chaffee. Both on YT.
There is also Dr. Rob Cywes who is the carb addiction doctor.
Dr. Berry and Dr. Ekberg both have covered numerous health issues on their channels that have seen extremely positive benefits from the carnivore and the ketogenic diet.
If you don’t want to eat a proper human diet, I do suggest using supplements to get some extra nutrition. We have a line of products at BeWinged & Barefoot.